As-Swaarim Al-Maslool – The Unleashed Sword

October 1, 2008

‘If not for Ali… !?’ – Heresy Unveiled

Filed under: Creed, Imaams — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — swaarim @ 5:10 pm

My brothers and sister in Islaam :

After reading all the previous posts in this blessed blog -inshaAllaah – you must have an idea of the extremism and heresy of these people.  Especially in the way they praise and describe ‘their Imaams.’

Now we take another look , at this book of theirs which is [presumably] a collection of narrations of Alee ibn Abi Talib (may Allaah be pleased with him).  It is called “The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays al-Hilaali”

Apparently ; they say that this guy [Sulaym] met the Companions and was among the ‘shia’ of Ali , but he did not meet the Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him)

Look at the lies they invent on the companions, and on Ali , and even of The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him), and even The Mighty Lord !!

Look at the clear types of heretical statements and ideologies of the shia.

This is who they are.  


It says : ” from Sulaym ibn Qays who said : ‘I said to Abu Dhar :  ‘May Allaah have mercy on you ; Narrate to me the amazing of things you heard – The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him) – saying about  Alee ibn Abi Talib (may peace be on him) ? ‘

So he said : ‘I heard The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him) saying :

‘Verily around the ‘Arsh [The Throne of Allaah] there are ninety thousand [90,000] angels who dont have any tasbeeh [rememberances] nor any acts of worship – except obedience to Ali ibn Abi Taalib,  and distancing themselves from his [Ali’s] enemies, and seeking forgiveness for his shia [group].’


So I said : ‘narrate to me another, may Allaah have mercy on you,’ 

So he said : I heard him [the Prophet] saying :

“Verily Allaah specified Jibrail, Mikail, and Israfil for obedience to Ali, and distancing themselves from his [Ali’s] enemies, and seeking forgiveness for his shia [group].”


So I said : ‘narrate other than this , may Allaah have mercy on you,’ 

So he said : ‘I heard The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him) saying :

” Allaah never ceased to use Ali as an evidence – in every nation where there was a prophet. And the one who is more knowledgable [of among the prophets] of Ali ; is the one who has the higher status infront of Allaah.’


So I said : ‘other than this , may Allaah have mercy on you,’ 

So he said :  ”Yes,  I heard The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him) saying :

” If it was’nt for me and Ali – then Allaah wouldnt be known. And if it was’nt for me and Ali – Allaah would’nt be worshipped.  And if it was’nt for me and Ali – there would’nt be reward and punishment.  And there is no cover which covers Ali from Allaah, And there is no barrier which prevents him from Allaah.  And he is the barrier and the cover which is between Allaah and His creatures.’

end of first quote [end of first highlit].

Second quote :

he said :  ” I heard The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him) saying :

“Allaah was sole in His Kingdom, then He gave knowledge to His creatures about Himself, and gave them commands and permitted for them paradise. So whoever He wants to purify his heart – from among the Jinn and humans – He makes him realize the authority of Ali ibn Abi Talib. And whoever He wants to ‘close [and deviate] his heart – He prevents from him realizing the authority of Ali ibn Abi Talib.

And by The One in whose Hand is my soul ; It wasnt a necessity of Aadam being created and for Him to blow in him the soul, and for Him to forgive him, and to return him to His Paradise : except because of my prophecy and the authority of Ali after me.

And by The One in whose Hand is my soul ;  Ibraahim did not see the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, nor did He take him as a close friend – except because of my prophecy and the acceptance of the authority of Ali after me.

And by The One in whose Hand is my soul ;  Allaah did not speak to Musa, nor make ‘Isa  a sign to the universe – except by of my prophecy and the recognition of Ali after me.

And by The One in whose Hand is my soul ; there is no Prophet who is given prophethood except by him realizing and accepting for us our authority.

And there is no creature among the creatures who deserves to be looked at by Allaah ; except by him worshipping Him , and affirming the authority for Ali after me.’

end of  quote .

Third quote :

he said :  ” I heard The Prophet (may the good salutations of Allaah be on him) saying :

” Ali is the mighty one of this Ummah [nation], and the witness over it, and the one who is in charge of its accountability, and he is bearer of the great ritual , and the path to the clear truth, and he is the swiraatul mustaqeem [the straight path], after me – by him ; one is guided from falsehood and is given sight from blindness,  by him the succesful ones become succesful and they are saved from fear,  and by him the sins are wiped away , and the torment is raised away , and by him the mercy is descended.

and he is the eye of Allah which sees, and His hearing ear, and His tongue speaking to His creation, and His hand which is outstretched to His creatures -with mercy,  and His face on earth and in the heavens, and His right side,  and His tight and strong rope, and His firm handhold which there is no slightness, and His door through which He is reached, and His house which one who enters becomes safe, and His knowledge on His path during the resurrection : whoever knew him [Ali] – is saved to paradise, and whoever denies him – falls into the Fire.”

the end !!

and for you is the text :


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